I wear only the finest gloves when touching ancient and malicious works of art. He’s obviously deranged, but when has that ever stopped you talking to somebody in a Souls game, eh? Touch his filthy scrap of painting to enter Ariandel’s realm. There’ll be a guy there by the altar mumbling on about “Fire for Ariandel”. This information is pretty well circulated at this point, but to begin your journey into the Ashes of Ariandel head to the Cleansing Chapel bonfire in the Cathedral of the Deep area. You can consider basically everything below this line to be some degree of spoiler.īeginning Your Art Appreciation Course: AKA, How to Access Ashes of Ariandel But object locations and general tips should obviously remain relevant. That means some of this stuff won’t be universal if you’re, say, a heavy magic user or something. When I played through the DLC it was a with a level 80 Dex character using a shield and estoc combo.

This guide covers the locations of all the bonfires, directions to notable items, and suggestions for making the boss encounters a little less painful.

If you’re flailing around in the snows of Dark Souls 3’s Ashes of Ariandel, then maybe you could do with a few pointers.