You can only max out the "Word Size" setting if you are able to max out the "Dictionary Size" setting.

So the Moral of the Story is this: When setting the "Word Size" setting, make sure you scale it along with your "Dictionary Size" setting. And, I bet I could have maxed out the "Word Size" setting at "273" if I had enough RAM to set the Dictionary Size to "1024MB". NOTICE: The "Word Size" setting DECREASED the sized of the archive as long as I had a large enough "Dictionary Size" setting (as you can see, the file size went UP when I hit the 256 "Word Size" setting). For example, here's some tests with the "Dictionary Size" setting maxed out (for me that's 512MB until I upgrade my RAM) and the "Word Size" Settings set accordingly: If you scale the dictionary size along with the word size, you'll get a smaller archive. If you are talking for data like applications, documents, games etc, you may install 7zip and compress file using maximum ULTRA compression method. Refer guide and youtube for how to compress in best settings possible. "Choosing a word size that is too large can increase the size of the archive." For converting videos to lower size (almost 1/5th size of original max) use a tool called hadbrake.